We had a great experience with CFI on July 20th. We hiked to about 12,000 feet to a small area with a creek and learned about how our actions on trails can affect the delicate ecosystem. Through CFI we were taught about the importance of staying on paths, Leave No Trace principles, how to minimize damage and restore trampled and eroded areas.

In 6 hours we were briefed, ascended to our destination, worked to restore a non-designated trail by placing rocks and planting new vegetation, then we descended to our starting point. It was hard but rewarding. Everyone should appreciate the beautiful landscape we have here in Colorado. Since our time with CFI, I have utilized all of the tips we received during our time on Mt. Democrat. I recommend everyone take time to experience volunteering with CFI and learn how we can maintain our mountain trails and ecosystems. To register for September 8, 2014 trail event on Mt. Bierstadt email CDPHE_HELM@state.co.us