Friday, January 16, 2015

New From CafeWell and the State Employee Wellness Program -

As a State of Colorado employee, you can earn a chance to win a trip for 2 to the mountains and a ski lesson with World Cup alpine ski racer, Marco Sullivan! Register or log in to CaféWell between now and 2/28/15 and earn an entry into the Sweepstakes. Log in or register for your chance to win.

Tips to Prepare for Winter Sports
Earn an additional entry into the Sweepstakes by joining the Winter Sports Challenge and build up strength and stamina for a new season on the slopes. Join for a chance to win!
Join challenge >
Shape Up for Snow Sports!
Earn an additional entry into the Sweepstakes and join Coach Liz to learn a few skills and drills you can take to the mountains. Join for a chance to win!